BOO with a little moo

By Cowgal Madeline

It’s October which means three things: weaning, shipping and Spooky Season. Or as I like to call it, BOO with a little Moo. Every October growing up I anticipated the early mornings spent shipping our cattle and heading to the rock quarry to weigh the trucks. After mom dragged me out of bed it was out to the barn to saddle the horses and get the cattle sorted and ready to load the trucks. Mom would meet the truckers at Fernbridge and bring them home. Once they arrived I backed them up to the loading chutes and dad would bring up the groups of cattle. If I was lucky the truck drivers would let me clamber into the cab and honk the horn. If I was really lucky they had treats they would share and from that point it basically turned into trick or treating with the truckers. Cattle were loaded, trucks were weighed and off they went. I missed a pumpkin patch trip or two with my school because we were shipping. At the very end of October all of our ranch family friends gathered to trick or treat around town together. Some of us were cowboys but there were hunters, skunks, giraffes, witches, etc.

October and Halloween hold a lot of memories but not only do they hold so many memories but come with some killer clothing and decor options as well. I’ve got a few rad clothing and decor options for you!

The first is taking fun ghost cowboy pictures with your horse, dogs, friends or whatever you choose! Not only are these fun to create but they can be printed and used for decor! They add a bit of personality with some ghoulish western flair. You’ll be making memories AND creating freakishly fun home decor. This cowboy ghost photo by Ranahan Photo out of Alberta, Canada is not only perfect for spooky season but adds a western touch! Not only is Morgan, the gal behind Ranahan Photo great with festive photos but specializes in lifestyle, boudoir, western and branding photography! Definitely check her out!

Not only do you need original decor on your wall but you also need some clothing from one of our favorite cowboy gals. Stormy has been previously featured in the piece called “A few cowboy gals you should be following” but did you know that she also has some pretty killer clothing using her original art? Her clothing comes in a variety of colors and cuts with some pretty incredible designs. Stormy also has a spooky crew neck that is to DIE for! She’s a rad gal with incredibly rad talent! You can find her merch at StormcloudSwag on Etsy!

Rodeo meets halloween. That is what TripleS Signs on Etsy brings us this Halloween. These fun, colorful, festive, spooky western signs add flair to your space that nobody else will have. Western Halloween decor isn’t always the easiest to come by but TripleS Signs killed it with these signs!

Need a variety of festive shirts for you and your gals? The Walking A Boutique has got you covered! Offering a variety of cute sweatshirts and shirts these are bound to be a crowd pleaser! Not only do they carry a variety of spooky shirts and sweatshirts but offer many other stylish and fun clothing options!

Want a decoration that can be multi seasonal? This acrylic cowboy hat is the one for you! Not only does its clear appearance make it perfect for any theme you go with but it can be used in a multitude of ways such as on the top of a pumpkin or used as a bowl for treats. The best part of this acrylic hat is its diversity through the seasons!

No matter what we know that your space will be look spooktacular! We hope that you have a happy Halloween and that these ideas gave you a little inspiration!


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